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OCTM Position Statements

Welcome to the Advocacy page of the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, where we are committed to advancing issues that impact the teaching and learning of mathematics. Here, you'll find position statements that address key challenges, needs, and opportunities in mathematics education today. Each statement is carefully crafted and approved by the OCTM Board, reflecting our mission to engage, inspire, and empower through mathematics. Guided by our vision of a world where all individuals appreciate the value and beauty of mathematics, we advocate for inclusive, effective, and equitable teaching practices that ensure all learners have the opportunity to grow and succeed. At OCTM, we believe that fostering diversity, supporting strong instructional practices, and expanding opportunities for professional and student development are essential to shaping the future of mathematics education.

OCTM's Position on the Group Calling Themselves the "science of math"

OCTM’s work has always been and continues to be about supporting teachers in implementing best practices for mathematical instruction that are evidence-based and rooted in education research regarding how children best learn mathematics. Recently, a website calling itself “The Science of Math” has attempted to capitalize on the newly established “Science of Reading,” which is an approach to learning reading that has been adopted by Ohio. OCTM takes no official position on the quality or appropriateness of the Science of Reading; however, we want to say clearly to all mathematics stakeholders that OCTM rejects the outdated and inappropriate instructional practices that are being repackaged and promoted as some sort of new “scientific” ideology by the “” Read more at Ohio's position on the group calling themselves "the science of math." In addition, a team of educators with our Advocacy Chair, Barb Weidus, wrote a comprehensive  Comparative White Paper including research and resources supporting what OCTM believes about teaching and learning mathematics.

OCTM's Position on Procedural Fluency from NCTM

Procedural fluency is an essential component of equitable teaching and is necessary to developing mathematical proficiency and mathematical agency. Each and every student must have access to teaching that connects concepts to procedures, explicitly develops a reasonable repertoire of strategies and algorithms, provides substantial opportunities for students to learn to choose from among the strategies and algorithms in their repertoire, and implements assessment practices that attend to all components of fluency. OCTM adopts the NCTM Position Statement

Statement on Ohio House Bill 33

OCTM and three partner Ohio professional organizations adopted this statement on Ohio House Bill 33 on April 20, 2023.  Our organizations oppose the language in the bill that would diminish local control of instructional strategies and textbook selection.  We urge policymakers to leave these decisions to communities, schools, and educators.

Stance on Ohio House Bill 616 in 2022
OCTM endorsed the position adopted by the Ohio Council for the Social Studies (OCSS) opposing Ohio House Bill 616 in 2022.  Although the OCSS position addresses social studies classes and educators specifically, OCTM believes that the same principles and important questions pertain to mathematics classes and educators.  If this bill or a similar one were to become law, the grave outcome would be the silencing of students, educators, and local boards of education.

If you would like to get involved in Advocating for Mathematics Education in Ohio, contact Barb Weidus, OCTM Advocacy Chair. 

OCTM is an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

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